Options Manitoba Inc.
Adoption Options is a not-for-profit adoption agency licensed
by the Government of Manitoba to provide a full range of adoption
services to both birth mothers and prospective adoptive parents.
The agency arranges private adoptions in Manitoba and also
offers an Inter-country adoption program for China and the
Advocates for the Adoption Of Children CAFAC is a licensed adoption agency
in the Province of Manitoba, accredited to work with Hague
and non-Hague countries. The agency offers adoptive families
a variety of services including education seminars and training,
homestudy reports, assisting in the adoption process and post
adoption support and counselling. This agency has international
adoption programs for China, Brazil, Ethiopia, Haiti, Russia,
Kazakhstan and St. Vincent.
Roberta Galbraith, Executive Director
Phone: 204-867-5556
Fax: 204-867-5259
Email: [email protected]
Box 1680, 214 Main Street
Minnedosa, Manitoba, R0J 1E0