There are three main systems
of adoption in Alberta - Public, Private and International.
In Alberta, public adoptions
are overseen by the government agency, Alberta
Children's Services (ACS). Most of the children
in the care of ACS have special needs. These special
needs could include being part of a sibling group
that needs to stay together, children who are
between the ages of 8 and 18 years of age, and
children who may have medical, physical, developmental,
learning and emotional problems. There are also
children who have been abused and/or neglected.
These children are matched with adoptive families
that are approved and given specialized training
by the Ministry.
Private adoption is another
option for Albertan families. There are five non-goverment,
non-profit adoption agencies that are licensed
to arrange private domestic adoptions. Most of
the children available through private adoption
are newborns or young infants. In most situations,
the birth parents play an active role in choosing
their child's adoptive family and open adoptions
are common. Private adoptions are expensive and
most costs are the adoptive family's responsibility.
International or "Intercountry"
adoptions have become increasingly popular over
the last decade and many Albertans are choosing
this route to expand their families. Alberta families
can adopt a child through the government of the
child's country or pursue a private international
For more information
about adoption in Alberta, visit Alberta
Children's Services web site (click