In Canada, a public
adoption is facilitated by a province or territory's
government agency (i.e. Children's Aid Society) and
involves children who are in the permanent care of the
government. The majority of the children are over the
age of two years and many have special needs that require
specialized parenting. 
These special needs may include:
- being part of a sibling group that
needs to stay together;
- they were exposed to drugs or alcohol
in utero and may or may not have some behavioural
and learning disabilities;
- they have difficulty attaching
to a new family;
- they have suffered abuse or neglect
and this has delayed their ability to learn and develop;
- they need to be adopted by a family
of the same heritage or culture (i.e. First Nations
The children available for adoption
through the public system are in care because the courts
have determined that their biological parents are not
capable of parenting them for a variety of reasons.
If you're hoping to adopt an infant, most social workers
will tell you that there are fewer babies available
today and that you'll wait several years.
There are a number of reasons for fewer infant adoptions:
- there are fewer unplanned pregnancies,
education about birth control and many women choose
- there are more social assistance
programs available to young parents and as a society,
we've made it difficult and unacceptable for potential
birth mothers to make adoption plans;
- for parents who decide to place
their child for adoption, they now have the option
of using a private adoption agency. Private adoption
agencies involve birth families in choosing adoptive
families and promote openness in adoption.
Adopting an infant through
the public system, although difficult, is not impossible
as there are some birth parents who do consent to adoption.
There are also situations where newborns are apprehended
from the hospital and within a few months, the Courts
terminate the rights of biological parents and the infant
can be placed for adoption.
Realistically, newborns
who are apprehended at the hospital often stay in foster
care for months before a permanency plan can be made.
The Courts generally give the birth parent(s) an opportunity
to make changes and prove that they can parent their
child. This opportunity may be for a period of several
months in which time the birth parent(s) may be required
to attend parenting classes, improve their housing situations
or for some, enter rehab for drug and/or alcohol addictions.
Some children are closer to their first birthday by
the time a plan is set in motion.
agencies, like the Children's Aid, focus on finding
the right family for a child, rather than a child for
a family. When planning a public adoption, a number
of social workers will collaborate to ensure the child's
best interests are kept in mind when finding a 'forever
family' for them.
Depending on the province
or territory, the process to adopt a child through a
public agency will vary, but looks similar to the following:
- Contact your local Children's Aid
Society or Family Services Agency
- Attend an information session
- Complete application forms as well
as medical and police checks
- Attend adoption training classes
(i.e. PRIDE) if required
- Submit family and social histories
as well as your references
- Wait to be assigned a social worker
who will perform your home study
- The Home study (more
- Wait for a child to be matched
with your family
- A match is made and a child is
placed with your family
- Transition the child to your home
through several visits
- Probationary period (with follow-up
visits from your worker)
- Your worker will submit a post
placement report and begin the paper work for finalization
- Adoption Order is granted
by the Court
Advantages of Public Adoption |
Disadvantages of Public Adoption |
- Cost
- Public agencies do not charge families any
fees to adopt children. The only costs involved
would be the fee for a police clearance report
as well as a report by your familiy doctor after
having a complete medical examination.
- Children
of all ages - Not everyone who adopts
wants a baby and if sleepless nights and diaper
duty aren't for you, then adopting an older
child (3 to 18 years), is very possible in public
- Legal
Issues - By the time most children
in care can be adopted, they are wards of the
state and legally free to be adopted. Adoptive
parents don't have to worry about birth parents
changing their mind.
- The Wait - Adopting through
the public system can take years. It can take
months or even longer just to start the home
study and then many families wait years for
a match.
- Very Few Newborns/Infants
- If you're hoping to adopt a healthy newborn,
then you will wait several years. Most birth
parents work with private agencies because they
are more flexible than public agencies and they
can choose the adoptive family as well as have
an open adoption.
- Special Needs - The majority
of the children in the permanent care of the
state have special needs that can challenge
even the most experienced parents. These children
required specialized parenting because of the
abuse and/or neglected they've suffered. There
are also children who have physical, emotional
and/or behavioural problems.